To have an effective backup strategy you need to think about the following:

  • Where do you intend to store the backups? On-premises or via Cloud?
  • What do you need to backup? Everything, or the most vital code?

Having a clear understanding and answer to the above will help you decide how often to schedule your backups.

The factors you need to consider when deciding how often you should backup your code is:

  • How important is your code?
  • How often does the code change?
  • How quickly do you need to recover your code?
  • Who is responsible for your backup and recovery?

Your recovery plan should contain an acceptable time frame for backup-related tasks, and performance expectations. A full backup is a comprehensive approach to safeguarding your company's data.

The main types of backups are:

Full Backup

This is a copy of everything. With a full backup you can easily access the most recent, single backup version. This option requires the most storage space and time.

Incremental Backup

This makes copies of your files by taking into account the changes that have been made since the last full or incremental backup. This option takes the least amount of space and time.

Differential Backup

This type of backup takes into account updates made since the last full backup; it ignores incremental backups.

One of the great features of RainyDay Backup is the ability to configure your own backup schedule. It allows you to schedule hourly, daily, weekly and monthly backups at different times of the day for all your organisations.

RainyDay Backup enables you to backup Git repositories (including branches), Work Items and NuGet packages. Browse the Backup log to see exact details of the backups and drill in to see the detail of what was backed up.

Our software solution works with Azure DevOps Server 2019 or newer and provides the same functionality for both platforms.

RainyDay Backup is available with several licencing options including a free licence allowing you to back up one organisation. Find out more here or access our download page to get started.